There are two upcoming recycle/disposal events: Electronics Recycling - October 16 Household Hazardous Waste Collection - October 23 Both LM and Narberth residents can drop off household hazardous waste (not commercial or construction waste) at drop-off events scheduled throughout the year. The next event is Sunday, October 23 at Lower Merion Transfer Station, 1300 N Woodbine Ave, Penn Valley. Registration is required - register here. About this event
Montgomery County events are following state guidelines and public health restrictions: • If you need your gas can or container returned, please tape a note to it stating that you want to keep it. • You must stay in your car while in the event site. • You may arrive any time within your registered appointment window. • Please print out your ticket if possible or write your name and appointment time on a piece of paper. • If you cannot attend the event, please cancel your appointment through your Eventbrite ticket or by emailing [email protected] , as others may be waiting for an opening. • NO TVS, ELECTRONICS OR APPLIANCES WILL BE ACCEPTED. • Review the acceptable and unacceptable materials list here Comments are closed.